How I Jumpstarted This Pandemic in Three Steps

  1. Watch CONTAGION early on. I also saw a couple of zombie movies like Train to Busan, 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later. This helped me be aware that this really is a big thing and it is going to affect our future big time like there will be a pre-COVID19 and post-COVID19 circa. It was also important to have a little fear on what can possibly happen like looting when have less and less resources and nothing to eat or who will get the vaccine first? How will it be distributed? With these, it is easier to accept that we will be like this for a long time until somebody finds a cure.
  2. Read A Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. As this is about a family in hiding for two years during the Nazi occupation, this served as sort of fake assurance that it’s okay to stay home, that there’s a lot of creativity we can cultivate with this isolation, that we need to exercise to keep our muscles from degenerating? , that it’s okay if we can’t have all the food we’re craving for. I know this might come off as me, blinded by wealth gap and worse situation for the less fortunate but in the end we just need to do what we have to do to keep our sanity.
  3. Play Animal Crossing for 600 hours. This got me a long way on the first three months. It really kept me in a bubble of make believe. It might not be deemed productive but at least it delayed the negative effects of quarantine. When I got tired of the game, I was more prepared for the new normal and whatever’s coming ahead.