The Return of the Young Prince


It’s been a while since I’ve written something about the books I’ve read and this year i’ve read plenty. I’m trying to finish The Return of the Young Prince tonight because the first time i tried to read it, I decided I need to purchase a soft teal erasable highlighter first because there’s just so much to take note of. That was to no avail so I bought an original Stabilo Boss pastel teal highlighter instead. The subjects are far to heavy for this to be classified as a children’s book. As I remember it was where the sales woman from Fully Booked picked it up from. (Thank you Ana! I already got my Fully Booked discount card) Going back, this isn’t a book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry making it a remake sequel of some sort and it looks like the little prince have moved on in his life abandoning his flower and suffered a terrible divorce and betrayal by a friend , trying to find love again and suffering some midlife and existential crisis in a shape of a teen. Also, this book is not for the agnostic, its God is not universal, well there was one mention of Buddha. This book is filled with big words that are so hard to digest all at once. I guess I bought a highlighter just so I can look back to those inspiring words in a snap unlike The Little Prince that I read once a year. (Oh please someone get me the pop up book for my birthday) I feel so bittersweet about this book, nevertheless it teaches a lot about love, kindness, forgiveness and happiness.